Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I love my dog park...

I love the fact that not only do I live 4 minutes from a HUGE dog park, but that I have great views along the way. So this is the view of Garden of the Gods from the entrance to my complex:

The cute little path that I take for about 2 minutes before I'm at the park:

Well, when I got there, a big storm appeared to be rolling in:

I was right. Fortunately, it didn't start until an hour or so after I got home.

Bailey loves the park! Each time we go, he "abandons" me for other owners. Apparently I don't give him enough love at home.

There are pretty patches of sunflowers all over the place:

And you can see the dog park from my front porch!! It's also a good shot of the storm coming in. It's going to be AWESOME watching the snow storms roll in come late September/October!

Jealous?? :-)

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